We are delighted to announce that our organization name has changed from Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries to Deaf Kids Connect. Learn More

Connecting Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children and Their Families with Jesus.

Our ministry aims to equip, support, and mentor parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children to share God's love and raise disciples through a shared language - Sign Languages.
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Connecting Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children and Their Families with Jesus.
Each child is unique.

Each child is unique.

Deaf Kids Connect is a ministry that focuses on connecting Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and their families with the love of Jesus. Parents often experience grief, overwhelm, and isolation from their Christian community when they embark on the journey of raising Deaf and Hard of Hearing children.

We are a family-oriented ministry advocating for families with Deaf and Hard of Hearing children. Worldwide, 34 million Deaf and Hard of Hearing children experience physical, relational, and spiritual malnutrition. Parents are the ones whom God has called to show the love of Christ, and it is our joy and our call to walk alongside parents and put the gospel-centered display.

About Us

What do we do?

Equipping, supporting, and mentoring parents of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children to share God's love and raise disciples.
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To empower parents raising Deaf and Hard of Hearing children, helping their families discover hope, dignity, and their purpose within God's call for their lives.
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Help churches/ministries understand families of Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and how they can be supportive, provide access, and meet their needs.
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Partner with organizations to provide biblical literacy in Sign Language, voice-over, and captions for parents and children.
Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Children and Their Families

Meeting the Spiritual Needs of Children and Their Families

Hands-on holistic discipleship and mentor for parents and families.

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Raising Awareness in Church and Ministry Leaders

Raising Awareness in Church and Ministry Leaders

We visit churches and other venues to raise awareness and share resources. In many environments, Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and their families feel they are not fully included as valued members of Christian communities. We aim to consult with ministries and organizations on a strong and healthy framework for inclusion of children and their families in all aspects of their ministries.

See our trainings & workshops
Creating Bilingual Christian Resources For Children

Creating Bilingual Christian Resources For Children

We seek to partner with other organizations that develop Christian resources that are accessible to Deaf and Hard of Hearing children and their families.

See our resources


Kids Favorites

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Parents Stories

Read Brittany's touching story on how God's goodness matched her grief, tears, and prayers, knowing God created her Deaf son with a purpose.
Brittany story
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Support Our Ministries

Our goal is to bridge the gap by partnering with community, churches, and organizations. Together, we can build up teams of caring Christian adults to walk alongside families of Deaf children between the ages of birth-12 in authentic relationships.

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