We are delighted to announce that our organization name has changed from Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries to Deaf Kids Connect. Learn More

DWW SignLab

DWW SignLab

June 24th, 2014


Dr. Wonder’s SignLab

Summer of Service


This is going to be an incredible summer for us!  We have tentatively scheduled 5 locations to test our newly created Vacation Bible School curriculum called Dr. Wonder’s SignLab.

In addition to helping in the leadership of these events, the Silent Blessings team will be doing assessments at each location — getting feedback from the leadership (as well as the children) on how the material presented the main theme of “Trust God,” whether it provided enough help for the home town leaders, if there are things that could be improved (or just eliminated), whether it should include more of certain elements, etc.

Then the team will come home, evaluate all of that information, and set about making the necessary changes.  When it is in the best shape we can make it, we will enlist other professional people (such as graphic designers) to make it look polished.  When the graphics are done, we’ll need to find a publisher and marketing/distributing people to get this wonderful material in the hands of churches all across the country.  What a huge — and AWESOME — responsibility.

Please pray for the Silent Blessings staff, in addition to the ministries listed below, as all of us seek to win more children to Jesus.

June 6 – 8 (Fri. – Sun.) ———Warner Deaf Camp

60   55th St., Grand Junction MI

June 16 – 20 (Mon. – Fri.) ——- Whitehall Church of the Nazarene

739 S. Yearling Rd., Whitehall OH

June 23 – 15 (Mon. – Wed.) —– Hope Baptist Church

10330 N. Cotton Lane, Waddell AZ

July 14 – 18 (Mon. – Fri.) ——— Park Place Church of God

501 College Dr., Anderson IN

July 28 – Aug. 1 (Mon. – Fri.)Parkwood Baptist Church

1069 Central Dr.,  Concord NC

Mid – October ————————- Bristol United Methodist Church

Bristol Indiana (this event has been cancelled)