We are delighted to announce that our organization name has changed from Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries to Deaf Kids Connect. Learn More

Jamie Biser’s story

Jamie Biser’s story

December 12th, 2012

Meet Dr. Jamie Biser

Another of the Faces of Silent Blessings. When Dr. Jamie Biser  (Deaf) began teaching an adult Bible study for Deaf men at his church he soon realized this was a larger challenge than he had expected.  The diverse backgrounds of the members of his group made it difficult to find a method and a curriculum which would work well for all of them.  After searching through many options the one he found that worked the best was not what he had expected.  This is his story.

“Give us the tools and we will finish the job.”

Those words from Winston Churchill during the Second World War still ring true for leaders of local Deaf ministries as they beg for  tools to enable them to minister to Deaf men, women, and children. Even the best leaders and teachers need curriculum, videos, lesson plans, and other resources to be effective.  Over the last several years there have been some wonderful resources created for Deaf adults, but as we’ve seen from Jamie’s experience, even these materials may not reach many Deaf adults of diverse backgrounds and educational experiences. That’s why it’s been especially rewarding to see how congregations are using Dr. Wonder’s Workshop with adult learners as well as children.  But we also feel there is so much more to be done!

What if . . .

  • There was a VBS program designed for both Deaf and hearing children that nearly any congregation could host?
  • What if this same curriculum was flexible enough to serve as a curriculum for Deaf camps?
  • There was a visually based interactiveONLINEcurriculum with fresh content every month that kids could log onto and learn more about God’s plan for their lives?

What amazing things could God do through people with a heart for Deaf armed with effective and powerful tools like these?

That’s the direction we feel God is calling us to go in the next five to ten years

We believe we’re beginning to see a spiritual revival in the Deaf community, but the key to sustaining that kind of movement will be raising up new leaders and equipping them for effective service. Will YOU join us in this effort?  Will you invest your prayers, your ideas, and some of your financial resources to help bring spiritual healing to Deaf people and their families?  Nothing will be done without the investment of His people.  We believe God is sending us partners now.  Is He calling you to be one of them?

First steps

On the right hand side bar of this page you will see a colorful picture children’s hands under the heading “Deaf Ministry Survey.”  Please take a few moments to tell us a bit about your interests in Deaf ministry and what is, or is NOT, going on in your local church.  This will help us to connect Deaf people we may know in your area with your congregation.

Then spend a little time on this website.  Browse around and learn more about who we are and what we do. Our mission, our passion, our work.  At the top of each page you’ll see a “Donate” button. We would ask you to prayerfully consider making a contribution to this ministry through that link.  It is one of the most secure sites on the Internet and your gift will be fully income tax deductible. We are a small ministry with a large vision and we need your help to keep advancing that work.

You just do whatever you feel God would have you do.  If everyone who see this will do just that, we will know God will provide everything we need to do the work He has called us to do. Thank you and God bless you!