We are delighted to announce that our organization name has changed from Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries to Deaf Kids Connect. Learn More

It’s not about the numbers.

It’s not about the numbers.

July 7th, 2017

We were recently asked what a “perfect” deaf ministry size would be within a hearing congregation. Ministry is not about numbers — it’s about people in relationship with God and one another. 

A perfect ministry, Deaf or otherwise, is a place where the body of Christ can gather for community and serve others through welcome, discipleship, and support. Its strengths wouldn’t be in how many people show up and sit to observe the presentations, but whether they have the resources and confidence to:

  • verify the information received is biblically accurate and aligns with the known character of God
  • incorporate that information into their lives through repentance, forgiveness, reconciliation, maturity, and ministry
  • share that information with others with accuracy, clarity, and winsome grace
  • recognize the various struggles of the community and/or individuals and come alongside to represent Christ with integrity

We live in a numbers and “return on investment” society — but God’s goal is developing mature believers in relationship with Himself and one another. When the ministry is such that the deaf folk seek to make their own congregation, either in another room or another building altogether, then it’s time for them to have such a place and a qualified leader. Now, it’s entirely valid for that leader to  coordinate with the lead pastor so that they are both presenting the same material at the same time, yet each will have a different delivery based on language and culture.

As you look through Acts and the references to their growth, you’ll note that it says “and God added to their numbers” while of the church it says “they dedicated themselves to community, the apostles’ teaching, and prayer.” Grow a mature community that pursues Jesus, and let God handle the numbers.