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More on Paula

More on Paula

July 31st, 2011

We’re proud to tell you a bit more about Paula Lohrman, Office Manager.

Silent Blessings Deaf Ministries creates innovative resources to share the love of Christ with the Deaf community. At the heart of the team behind the television series, mobile app, Bible school curriculum and other initiatives is Paula Lohrman. She’s the one who keeps the office running smoothly and ensures everyone has what they need. Paula is so good at anticipating requests that she generally has things done before being asked.

Organized. Hard-working. Selfless. Compassionate. Committed to excellence. Paula has a history of putting others before herself. She and her husband home-schooled their four children during most of their school years. Her youngest child, who is adopted, has special needs. Putting her family first, Paula worked only part-time temporary jobs while her children were growing up, knowing she would eventually focus on her own education and a career.

Paula first discovered Silent Blessings on an internet search while studying American Sign Language. A Silent Blessings intern was seeking a host family for the summer, and the Lohrmans invited her to stay with them. At the intern’s invitation, Paula toured Silent Blessings and met some of the staff. The ministry left a lasting impression.

On a quiet evening several months later, a job announcement in a Deaf newsletter caught her attention. “I sat straight up in bed and announced loudly, ‘Silent Blessings needs an Office Manager! That job is mine!’”

Today, Paula is happy to be serving at Silent Blessings. When she began thinking about her career, she most desired an administrative professional position that promoted the Christian faith. As always, God provides more than we ask. Not only did He lead her to an administrative professional position in a Christian ministry, but also one that embraced her love of American Sign Language. “It’s exciting to know that God called me back to my first love, and invited my second love into the journey with me. This job melds both of them into one. I do love keeping this place running,” she said. “I’m a person committed to learning and doing my best in everything I take on. I focus on improving my current skills and learning new ones that are applicable to my work here. While I have an introvert’s personality, I have an extrovert’s energy for getting things done.”

Excited about the future of Silent Blessings, Paula says, “There has been some amazing, ground-breaking work done here. The things we have created did not exist before. What we have accomplished, along with technological advances, will help set the stage for the future.”

We’re thankful to Paula for sharing her gifts with each of us and for her selfless love of others. Her exceptional management is at the core of our ministry to help all Deaf children know the love of Christ.